Australian publishers accepting unsolicited manuscript submissions: Updated March 2025

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Blog | 6 comments



If you’re looking for Australian publishers currently accepting submissions of unsolicited manuscripts, here’s an alphabetised list.

If you’ve looked around my website, you might have seen my post warning Australian authors about submitting unsolicited manuscripts. Despite the occasional success story (usually in a genre such as rural lit or romance fiction), the majority of writers submitting unsolicited manuscripts to an Australian publisher are wasting their time.

But I understand your frustration. When the gatekeepers close their doors, when you don’t get any feedback from those you’ve approached, what else are you to do?

Two suggestions:

  1. Consider that you might need constructive professional feedback on what you plan to send to your ideal agent or publisher.  I offer one-off consults, guided agent submission services, and three-month mentoring to help writers feel confident they’re giving themselves the best possible chance when submitting their work to literary agents and book publishers.
  2. If you’re feeling lucky, then the list below is for you. Someone’s got to win the lottery, right?

Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome at the following Australian publishing houses

Affirm Press submissions

When: Only email submissions accepted and only on the first Monday of each month here. Please note that submissions received after Monday 11:59pm (GMT+10) will not be assessed. Children’s submissions are also only accepted on the first Monday of each month and should be emailed here. Your submission will be read within six months.

What: Their submissions page asks for a short synopsis, and for non-fiction, a short chapter by chapter outline. The first three chapters, an author bio, and any past publishing credits. They will look at all genres, fiction, and non-fiction. For non-fiction, they will consider most subjects that have a market and “leave the world, even a teeny bit better off for having existed.” For fiction, they are looking for literary and genre fiction. If you have a non-narrative book idea they require a pitch as well as some sample material.

For children’s books, they accept manuscripts for young readers of all ages. They would like to see full picture-book manuscripts or the first three chapters of Junior Fiction, Middle Grade, and YA novels.

Note: They will only communicate via email, no phone calls. All manuscript submissions must be attachments in either Word or PDF format and the file must be under 10MB in size. For children’s books, they are particularly interested in finding new genre YA and Middle-Grade books to publish.

Allen & Unwin Australia submissions

When: Online submissions, referred to as Friday Pitch, are accepted anytime here. Your submission will be read within two weeks.

What: First chapter only, plus a synopsis of maximum 300 words.

Note: Do not send hard copy submissions of your work, it will not be returned. Genres accepted are, Adult Fiction, Non-fiction and Illustrated submission, Children’s and Young Adult submission, New Zealand Submissions, The Australian/Vogel’s Literary Award and, The Allen & Unwin Crime Fiction Prize. Review your specific genre’s submission requirements.

Australian Scholarly Publishing


When: Email submissions accepted anytime here.

What: For submissions, email a synopsis and sample chapters, or post mail your entire manuscript to:

Nick Walker

7 Lt Lothian St North

North Melbourne Victoria 3051, AUSTRALIA 

Note: Direct emails or mailed manuscripts to Nick Walker when making your submission. Be sure to include your telephone number or email address and a stamped self-addressed envelope.

Black Inc submissions 

When: Submissions are accepted by the first week of each month and can be sent here. Your submission will be read within eight weeks. Not currently accepting unsolicited fiction submissions, poetry, plays/scripts, YA, middle grade or picture books.

What: Your email should include a subject line with the title of your book if it’s fiction or non-fiction, the genre (ie: The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Fiction/Literary). In your email, include a one-page synopsis. For fiction submissions, they would like the full manuscript. For non-fiction submissions, you may send all or part of the manuscript. Also, include a list of any previous publications of yours as well as relevant information about you.

Note: They only accept manuscript submissions from Australian writers. They accept general and commercial non-fiction – including history, current affairs, sports, and biography – and for literary and commercial fiction. They also accept proposals from corporate organizations for custom publishing projects. They are currently not accepting submissions for these genres: fantasy, science-fiction, travelogues, crime/mystery, erotica, poetry, or picture books.

Bloomsbury submissions- Currently Not Accepting Submissions

When: Currently not accepting unsolicited manuscripts or Young Adult unsolicited manuscripts. For Education, Music, and Special Interest (Natural History, Nautical, Sport, and Visual Arts) submissions, please follow this link.

Echo Publishing- Currently Not Accepting Submissions

When: Currently not accepting unsolicited manuscripts, but plan to re-open submissions on Monday 26 August and Monday November 25th, 2024.

What: Their submission page ask to submit using their submission form and include the following: A synopsis including 2-3 comp tiles with a 500 word max limit, Short bio which includes your credentials and writing history with a 250 word max limit, and a 20 page max limit of your manuscript, double spaces and in the following format (File name: Full Name_Submission Title).

Note: The submission form will only be visible on their website during the open submission period. 

Federation Press submissions

When: Submissions are accepted anytime by email here. Typically respond within one to three months.

What: Their submission page covers, in depth, what to include in your proposal.

Note: Book proposals in the fields in which they publish, particularly law and related disciplines.

Ford Street Publishing submissions

When: Submissions are accepted by mail anytime. Your submission will be read within three months.

Manuscripts should be addressed to:

Abigail Cini or Stella Black, Editorial

Ford Street Publishing

162 Hoddle Street

Abbotsford, VIC 3067

What: They only read printed manuscripts. Emailed submissions will not be read. They prefer the entire manuscript and do not require outlines. YA novels should be around 50,000+ words, graphic novels are the only exception. They are looking for contemporary or humorous YA manuscripts.

Note: Accept children’s through to YA only. Submission must include an email address. Ensure you enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope and an email address if you would like either a response or your manuscript returned. If you already have an agent, have your agent contact them on your behalf.

Fremantle Press submissions

When: Electronic submissions are accepted anytime online here. Your submission will be read within ten weeks.

What: They accept electronic submission ONLY for non-fiction, fiction, and narrative non-fiction, poetry, and books for children and young adults. They also accept portfolio submissions from photographers and illustrators.

Note: Manuscripts are accepted from authors of Western Australian origin or who live in Western Australia. They will consider accepting work from non–Western Australian authors if the subject matter has a strong Western Australian focus, for all genres they publish.

Ginninderra Press submissions

When: Submissions are only accepted in hardcopy. Your submission will be read within eight weeks.

Manuscripts should be addressed to:

Ginninderra Press

PO Box 3461

Port Adelaide 5015

What: Non-fiction: focused on matters of social, cultural or political concern. Max word limit is 80,000. Fiction: collections of stories are welcome. Looking for manuscripts that are socially aware, combining emotional impact with convincing storytelling. Max word limit is 60,000.

Note:  They do not accept manuscripts from writers resident outside Australia. They are not accepting novels or publishing children’s books at present.

Giramondo Publishing submissions– Currently Not Accepting Submissions

When: Electronic submissions of unsolicited book submissions are accepted for a limited period each year here. For updates, sign up for their newsletter.

What: Fiction and non-fiction submissions need to include a brief synopsis of the work, the author’s CV, and three sample chapters (does not need to be consecutive or opening chapters). Poetry submissions need to include a brief description of the work, author’s CV, along with the proposed manuscript.

Note: Familiarize yourself with the books they publish before you submit because they do have a field on the submission form that requires you demonstrate knowledge of their list.

Harlequin Books (Harper Collins) submissions 

When: Email submissions here.

What: Their submission page says to include in your submission your name, email, submission title, word count, & genre. Your synopsis of 500 words or less that focuses on main characters, important themes and plot. Manuscripts need to be in Word format with normal margins.

Note: They only accept complete manuscripts of at least 70,000 words.

Hardie Grant Publishing

When: Manuscript Submissions are currently being accepted via Submittable.

Note: Submissions should be from citizens or residents of Australia and/or New Zealand. They do not accept submissions from outside Australia, New Zealand or Oceania unless via an agent, or the author has citizenship or residency within the region.

Hachette Australia submissions

When: Accepting online submissions anytime although currently closed to fiction submissions. Submissions for non-fiction and children’s book from writers who are residents of Australia or New Zealand are currently being accepted. Your submission will be read within six weeks of submission.

What: For Children’s or Young adult submissions email them here. For adult fiction or narrative nonfiction, submissions email them here. Include your title and the genre in the subject line of the email. A cover letter, short summary, intended audience age range, comparable authors or titles, brief author bio, is your work on submission with agents or other publishers, short synopsis (approx. 300 words), total word count, completed manuscript as a Word document (or a low-res PDF of illustrated works).

For fiction submissions, a completed manuscript is required. Partials will not be considered. For non-fiction submissions, supply a detailed chapter outline and the first 3000 words (minimum) of the proposed work.

Note: Email attachments must be in word doc and can not exceed 15MB. They are not accepting science fiction/fantasy, horror, illustrated books, cookbooks, poetry, screenplays or academic works. Do not send hardcopy manuscript submissions.

Magabala Books submissions – Currently not accepting submissions. 

When: Submissions are currently not being accepted until 2024.

What: Cover letter, short summary, brief CV. For adult non-fiction, include contents page, brief synopsis, or chapter summary. They do accept children’s books submissions without illustrations. Do not submit original photographs or artwork, copies only. Your submission will be read within six months.

Note: They only publish Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers, storytellers and illustrators, however collaborations with non-indegenous people are considered if the work is at least 50% indegenous from the start of the project.

Melbourne University Publishing submissions

When: To submit, download and fill in the submission template, and email it here.

What: Nonfiction submissions should include a detailed chapter breakdown, complete sample chapter, or the first 20 pages of your manuscript, samples (not originals) and details of illustrations, if relevant.

Note: They are currently not publishing fiction, children’s literature, or poetry submissions. Non-fiction publishing falls under three imprints: Melbourne University Press, The Miegunyah Press, and Custom Books. Please read the information on each of these imprints to assess how your book might fits their programs.

Monash University Publishing submissions

When: Submissions are accepted in a limited amount by email here.

What: A  250 words maximum synopsis of your work. A 70 words maximum bio, including any relevant qualifications, previous publications and awards and a sample of the manuscript, up to 3000 words.

Note: “Monash University Publishing publishes books of the highest standard across the humanities and social sciences, with special interest in books that specialises in Asian Studies, Politics, Education, Communications, Australian history, Indigenous issues, culture and society.”

Pan Macmillan Australia submissions

When: Submission accepted anytime online here. Your submission will be read within three months.

What: First 50 pages OR Non-fiction proposal. Online submission requires a 300-word biography, your genre, 1-3 books or authors with a similar style, tone or genre to your manuscript, and a 300-word synopsis.

Note: They do not publish poetry, plays or textbooks generally, but they will accept any genre of manuscript. They are specifically looking for Fiction: Contemporary drama, sagas, psychological suspense, crime and thrillers, historical, literary. Non-fiction: Narrative non-fiction, contemporary issues, memoir, history, true crime, lifestyle and health, mind body spirit. Children’s books & young adult fiction and Junior and middle grade fiction, young adult/crossover fiction.

Pantera Press submissions

When: Online submissions are accepted anytime here. Your submission will be read within six months.

What: Fiction and non-fiction from Australian and New Zealand writers. Submission requires your book title, word count, genre, comparable authors/titles within the last 5 years, your long-term writing plans, Synopsis, personal bio, (both with a maximum of two A4 pages, double-spaced, in PDF format), and manuscript, also in A4, double-spaced, with at least 2.5cm margins, in PDF format. Please include page number, manuscript title, and your full name at the top of each page.)

Note: Does not accept hard copy submissions. They are not not accepting any of the following: picture/illustrated books, cookbooks, self-help books, health and well-being books, travel books, poetry, play scripts, short stories, compilations, chapter books or children’s books (for ages 12 and under).

Penguin Random House Australia submissions-Currently not accepting submissions.

When: Submissions will reopen again from 8 January 2024 via email.

What: 50 to 100 pages of your manuscript, double spaced, as a Word document or a PDF, max size 3Mb. Do not send the entire manuscript. Only accept submission from ANZ territories.

Note: There is a separate process for children’s manuscript submissions. They do not accept plays/scripts, individual short stories, science fiction/fantasy, poetry or educational textbooks.

Must include a subject line with the title of your work, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, and the genre. Submissions should include word count, brief 200 word summary, 2-3 sentence author bio, any previous work or awards you have earned, comparison to similar titles or authors, if you have submitted your work to other publishers, and indicate previously submitted proposals to Penguin Random House with details.

Puncher & Wattmann submissions

When: Submissions are accepted only between 10 January -10 February, 2024 by email. For Fiction and memoir submissions, email them here. For poetry submissions, email them here. Your submission will be read within six months.

What: Include a synopsis, manuscript and short biography with your query.

Note: If you have not heard back from them within six months of your submission, they do suggest that you follow up with them by email.

Scribe submissions

When: Online manuscript submissions are accepted by email only here and should be directed to Allison. Your submission will be read within 4 weeks.

What: Fiction or non-fiction only. Your email to them should include the subject line with the title of your manuscript and your name. Within the body of the email (do not send attachments) include a 500-word synopsis of your manuscript, a manuscript excerpt of up to 1500 words, a brief CV listing of your previous publication history/awards/commendations.

Note: Submissions must follow Scribe’s manuscript policy or they will not be considered. They are not accepting poetry, plays, young adult fiction, individual short stories, or children’s picture books at this time.

Text Publishing Australia submissions

When: Online submissions in pdf or word doc are accepted anytime here. Your manuscript submission will be read in approximately three months.

What: Fiction and non-fiction, including middle grade and young adult. Junior-fiction and middle-grade manuscripts require 10,000 – 80,000 words. Adult and young-adult manuscripts require 40,000 – 120,000 words. No word count requirements for graphic novels.

Note: Submissions from citizens or residents of Australia and/or New Zealand. They are not considering poetry, play scripts, screenplays, picture books, individual short stories, technical manuals, cookbooks, how-to guides, travel guides or educational textbooks.

Transit Lounge Publishing- Currently Not Accepting Submissions

When: Submissions can be submitted by email here. “Owing to the number of manuscripts currently under consideration we cannot accept new submissions at this point in time.” From 1 October 2023 they will be closed for submissions until 1 June 2024.

What: They are mostly interested in submissions of travel literature, memoir and literary fiction. Submissions must be sent by email as a PDF or word attachment. Include information about yourself as well as a brief synopsis of the submitted work.

Upswell Publishing submissions

When: A Quarterly pitch session, the next session is March 2024.

What: You are invited to send the following: 1. a page (A4 limit) describing your manuscript and why it fits into the rationale for Upswell Publishing. I am building a fiction, poetry and narrative non-fiction list . Your work must fit my list and that is easily understood by looking at this website and all of its writings and declarations, as well as the descriptions of Upswell books. (I am not interested in genre fiction or commercial novels.) Make this page dynamic and a direct communication with me to persuade and excite my interest. 2. Tell me a bit about you and what you have written and published until now. (maximum 1 A4 page) 3. Send me a sample of 15 pages from the manuscript you are pitching. Your best pages–perhaps the start; perhaps the end, or something in the middle.

Note: I’ll read everything that comes in on that day and respond by the end of said day with a simple, and polite, NO or YES. Pitches can be submitted here.

UQP submissions

When: Submissions for literary fiction and non-fiction, as well as our Stories for the Future initiative can be submitted here and must include the submission form here. Your submission will be read within four months.

What: Download and complete the submission form, email subject line should be as follows: state whether your work is fiction or non-fiction and include the title of your work “(e.g. Fiction: Too Much Lip)”, and attach your complete manuscript as a Word document or PDF, 1.5 line spaced and paginated. For Non-Fiction they also require a chapter breakdown. Your entire attachment can not exceed 10MB.

Note: Currently not accepting submission for poetry, children’s and YA. Their submission page is quite detailed in what they will and will not consider. It’s worth checking back once every six months to see if that changes. They do not publish genre fiction (including romance, science fiction, fantasy, and erotica), travel guides, cookbooks, self-help books, plays/scripts/music scores, textbooks, unrevised theses or conference proceedings.

UWA Publishing submissions

When: Submissions are currently being accepted for scholarly works (accepted all year) and children’s manuscripts by First Nations authors and/or illustrators (accepted all year) only via Submittal.

What: Sign up for a Submittal account in order to submit.

Note: Currently closed for fiction and poetry submissions. They will update their Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and newsletter when they begin to accept these again. They typically respond within 3 months.

Vagabond Press submissions- Currently not accepting submissions

When: Submissions are currently not being accepted. When open, submissions can be sent by email here. Your submission will be read in approximately three months.

What: Fiction and non-fiction submissions should be in a single PDF format and include a short synopsis (300 words), author’s CV/bio including previous publications (if any), contact details, three sample chapters. Poetry submissions should include a brief description of the work (300 words), author’s CV/bio including previous publications.

Note: They are interested in submissions that are collections of essays on contemporary life, society, politics, well being, community, art and culture from across Asia Pacific, as well as short fiction and novellas. They ask that you do not submit your manuscript to them if it is already being considered by another publisher.

Wakefield Press- Currently Not accepting unsolicited submissions.

When: Unsolicited submissions are currently closed. Submissions sent by agents are still being accepted.

Walker Australia submissions-Currently Not accepting unsolicited submissions.

When: Submissions for un-agented writers are currently not being accepted.

What: A synopsis, a first chapter, and some information about yourself and your work, including a short bio, your publishing history if applicable; the title, age range, type of book your project is, a one sentence summary, some titles you think compare to yours that are already in the market.

Your synopsis and first chapter can be in .doc, .docx or .pdf format but please note there is a file limit of 10mb.

Note: Walker Books team is committed to celebrating the voices of everyday Australians from diverse backgrounds and adding new stories to their list of high quality, award-winning children’s books.

Walker Wednesday is open to Australian and New Zealand citizens and residents only, for projects in English.

Wilkinson Publishing submissions

When: Submissions are accepted by email only here and the subject line should include the book title and your name. Your manuscript submission will be read in approximately three months.

What: First 3 chapters of your manuscript, a 1-page cover letter including the following information: A short bio including any relevant experience, previous publications or existing audience, book title, genre and synopsis, a one-line elevator pitch, and who your target audience is.

Note: They accept submissions from authors and agents internationally. They are currently accepting submissions for non-fiction and fiction, including children’s content, in the following categories: Art / Biography & Memoir / Business / Children’s / Health & Fitness / History / Humour / Fiction / Personal Development / Philosophy & Religion / Poetry / Politics & Opinion / Sport / Society & Culture / True Crime

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