The plays are the thing

One of my favourite things about being in New York is the range of theatrical experiences at your fingertips. Whether it’s a man in gothic get-up, face painted white for no apparent reason, strolling purposefully down Lafayette as if he were heading to a...

New York City February 2008: Back to the future

Back in New York for a while to wait out the limbo between having finished copies of my book and their appearing in book stores. And to see friends, go to the theatre, file my US tax return, buy a pair of long winter boots. I seem to have done little else but eat...

America as “phobocracy”

It is part of the world’s nature and of our own to break, ruin and destroy; but it is also our nature and the world’s to find ways to mend what has been broken. So writes novelist Michael Chabon in this impassioned, eloquent rallying call to US citizens to...

Mightier than the proverbial

Today I was invited to join the Management Committee of the Sydney chapter of PEN, the international organisation dedicated to freedom of expression, and after a conversation with the organisation’s president I’ve decided to accept the honourable...

A job lot

A small miracle has just occurred in the form of a two day per week job consulting to the Sax Institute, an impressive non-profit organisation working between policy-makers and researchers in the area of public health. My focus will be business...

Apples and oranges … or bridges?

An astute regular reader has suggested that given my recent change of address I might need to alter the title of this blog. Certainly “Apple Girl” presents two disadvantages: not only does Sydney have no symbolic relationship to the fruit, but I have...
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