My most popular links this month: on literary agents and memoir

by | Apr 27, 2012 | Blog, Improve your writing, Memoir | 0 comments

For those readers who don’t use Twitter or who didn’t catch these links the first time I tweeted them, I’ve decided to post a select time-sucking round-up of my most-retweeted links from the past month. Topics will always be some combination of literary agents, editing, memoir and finding grants for writers.

On literary agents
Questions to ask a literary agent before signing a contract, from Writers Relief

How Can You Manage So Many Clients? from the Steve Laube Agency

On memoir and creative nonfiction
A seriously insightful interview on the process of writing memoir with author Ashley Dartnell, by Pam Johnson of the interview-rich Words Unlimited blog

Phillip Lopate on the necessity of a memoirist’s double perspective – a creative nonfiction class in one essay, and possibly the best thing I’ve read on memoir aside from Vivian Gornick’s The Situation and the Story.

Love creative nonfiction and stuck for something to read? Consult Reality Hunger author David Shields’ alphabetised list of must-reads from Creative Nonfiction magazine.

Check out what my clients are saying…

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