
My favourite t-shirt

by | Jul 2, 2007 | Blog, Memoir | 0 comments

Deannas t-shirt.jpg
First seen on the back – or was it the front? – of the fabulous Deanna Zandt at a recent shindig on Grand Street, I am desperate to have one of these t-shirts to call my own. Let me know if you want one too and I’ll try to track some down.

7 July update Melbourne readers note: The purchaser of Deanna’s t-shirt has just informed me that she bought it not in New York, but at the Rich outlet shop, in a narrow street off Victoria St very close to the intersection with Hoddle, in downtown Melbourne. If anyone is passing by, please look in and nab one for me – I will kindly repay you at my leisure. Medium is a safe bet size-wise.

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