The joy of rewriting

Just came across this ode to rewriting from A L Kennedy of The Guardian. She wishes, as I do, that there were a more appetising word for what she describes as the “glorious” work involved in rewriting your prose. No one can teach you how to write, or how...

Could this have been written by a man?

This post was prompted by a piece by James Bradley over at City of Tongues in which he considers why he enjoys reading blogs by women more than those by men. His post alerted me to Rachel Cusk’s piece in the Guardian last weekend, “Shakespeare’s daughters”, on...

Reading and revenge

In the latest issue of The Monthly, Kirsten Tranter writes about the novels of Stieg Larsson, whose Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has been recommended regularly to me by friends and family members with reliable taste. I clearly have commitment issues when it comes to...

New meanings for old words

Here are the winners in The Washington Post’s annual neologism contest. I am having trouble choosing a favourite from this witty bunch: Coffee (n.) the person upon whom one coughs.  Flabbergasted (adj.) appalled over how much weight you have gained.  Abdicate...
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