
Steven Poole’s recent book Unspeak: How Words Become Weapons, How Weapons Become a Message, and How That Message Becomes Reality contains an interesting riff on that most overused word “community”. It’s a word that I encountered with increasing...

What price “gas”?

Americans love to complain about the price of gas. When Australians complain about it, we call it petrol. With the weather fast hotting up, the SUVs are coming out of their garaged hiberation and onto the open road. The regular chorus of “news” stories...
Permission granted … to play tennis

Permission granted … to play tennis

Who knew that playing tennis was an activity that needed to be regulated by permit? In New York, apparently it is. As regular readers would attest, I enjoy my weekly games under the winter weather-proof Bubble at Prospect Park Tennis Centre. Having played there most...
Summer of love

Summer of love

No breaking news, folks, rather the title of an exhibition at the Whitney Museum I attended last week along with hundreds of members who were promised a free ounce of cheap white wine if they could squeeze their way to the bar downstairs while trying to ignore the...

There really is nothing but ‘Poo on TV

Well I think I’ve seen it all now – an ad promoting a reality TV show featuring none other than the never-really-was Mark Phillippoussis. In this show, called “The Age of Love”, the Poo (dubbed a “tennis megastar” but strangely not...
Receipt, please

Receipt, please

Apple Girl enjoyed a night out the theatre last night with her actress-singer-playwright friend Susan, from PlayGroup. For the very un-Gotham price of $27.50 we saw a brilliant two-hander called The Receipt, which arrived in New York direct from Melbourne’s...
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