July note to self: regain writing muscle tone

Getting the flu will do all sorts of strange things to you. Not only have I done nothing more strenuous than walk up and down a few flights of stairs in the past two weeks, but I’ve also lost my writing muscle, which had started to firm up through writing this...

Friends and strangers

Not quite sure what to say at the tail end of this most extraordinary first week of life for my little hardback book, other than that I am in a constant state of surprise at the reception it has received so far. The review in today’s Sydney Morning Herald is...
The Long Goodbye

The Long Goodbye

The May issue of Australian Vogue contains a feature article written by yours truly. “With Compliments” describes the process of how I came to write The Young Widow’s Book of Home Improvement. The magazine commissioned the article to coincide with...

It’s Not You, It’s Your Books

Have you ever had a clash of taste or expectations when it came to discussing the books you love with the one you love? It seems that you are not alone. Here’s a link to a fabulous essay on the topic, written by Rachel Donadio and published in Sunday’s NY...
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