
Becoming Westerly by Jamie Brisick

by | Feb 10, 2015 | Blog, Publishing | 0 comments

I’m thrilled to announce the publication of Becoming Westerly by my client Jamie Brisick.

The book explores the extraordinary lifeĀ of Peter Drouyn from his days as a champion Australian surfer to his transformation into the woman he always believed he was meant to be: Westerly Windina.

I met Jamie at The Atlantic Center for the Arts in 2013 when we attended a nonfiction workshop with Geoff Dyer, a writer we both admire greatly. At that stage Jamie was working on the first chapter of Becoming Westerly.

Jamie, a longtime sports journalist, is a wonderfulĀ writer. IĀ compare this book with Susan Orlean’s The Orchid Thief in its ability to weave together biography, surfing history, the complexities of gender identity, and Jamie’s personal observations asĀ a former pro surfer himself.

Check out what my clients are saying…

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