Brad Hutchins’s Game, Set, Cash! is here

by | May 1, 2014 | Blog, Client book news and links | 1 comment

When final copies of a book arrive from the warehouse, it’s not only the author who smiles with pride and relief.

To get from a draft manuscript to a printed book, ready for distribution to the booksellers who have ordered copies from the publisher’s sales reps, requires a lot of time and many pairs of eyes and hands. The chief stewards, respectively, of the production process and the author, are the publisher (Jeanne Ryckmans of Nero, an imprint of Black Inc) and the literary agent (moi). We are almost as excited as the author, Brad Hutchins, to see the fruit of that months-long labour in this vivid standout cover.

Brad  and I will be doing a Q&A here soon on the development work we did to bring his unsolicited manuscript to a  standard that attracted a book deal. But for now, it’s more than enough to celebrate the fact that Game, Set, Cash! his terrific memoir about the secret world of international tennis trading, will be in bookstores in June. Click the link for ways to buy or order a copy.

Congratulations Brad!

Game Set Cash! by Brad Hutchins

Game Set Cash! by Brad Hutchins

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