Client news: October

by | Oct 31, 2013 | Blog, Client book news and links | 2 comments

(Prospect Park, Brooklyn)

October is probably my favourite month of the year in New York. The leaves are falling, one suddenly needs to put on a jacket again after months of perspiring, and it’s the hectic social season of the travelling Australian  — specifically, the travelling Australian who works in publishing and migrates to the northern hemisphere to participate in a range of activities that surround the annual Frankfurt Book Fair irrespective of an actual trip to Frankfurt.

I stayed put and enjoyed a few refreshments courtesy of an $AUD expense account, which is about 10 per cent more valuable than it was this time last year. In between social engagements I did manage to keep track of what my clients are up to, and by the looks of things it was a busy month for many. Some highlights:

An added late-October personal bonus was waking up to find myself listed as a ‘Top 10 Oz-Lit Tweep’ — a person who Tweets — by novelist and fellow-Tweep Annabel Smith, who lists us, complete with reasons, here. Her novel Whisky Charlie Foxtrot has been shortlisted for the award of Most Underrated Book Of The Year and will be announced in a couple of weeks. Thank you Annabel, and good luck!


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