Write the book you really want to read

by | Jul 11, 2010 | Blog, Improve your writing | 2 comments

May I point you to the valuable online forum for women writers, She Writes. In just over one year, Kamy Wicoff has established a thriving community for women who write, with over 9,000 members from more than thirty countries.  Since joining I’ve found the live internet radio discussions most helpful – see the (partially obscured) widget on the left column for a list of recent episodes, available for instant download.

I’m not a natural joiner, so online communities are a habit I’m forcing myself to adopt, but She Writes is a rich source of information, services and advice for new and experienced writers. As I write this post – the first in way too long – I’m listening to a fascinating discussion with Francine Prose, celebrated novelist and non-fiction author of works including the helpful Reading Like a Writer. The She Writes community offers regular conversations such as these on topics relevant to writers, about publishing and editing, writing fiction and non-fiction, marketing and publicity, you get the idea.

The best comment I heard in the past hour is Prose on first drafts: “What you’re writing is a book you really want to read.” That makes so much sense.

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