One of the casualties of my rough re-entry to life in Sydney in the past two months has been this blog, which served the original purpose of keeping friends and family informed, and occasionally amused, about aspects of my life in New York during 2006-07. From the other side of the world, however, the blog in its original incarnation has had its day, as I don’t have the time or inclination to do a “reverse Apple Girl” blog about life in Sydney for friends in the UK and US.

So as my professional life segues into a range of activities that can be broadly described under the umbrella of “writer and consultant”, I will also shift the focus of my thoughts here to aspects of my life as an about-to-be-published author, and as a consultant in the philanthropic sector. With a number of teaching, freelance writing and contracted jobs on my horizon in addition to publication of my book, 2008 is shaping up to be one big year.

My ultimate goal is to divide my time between Sydney and New York. Does that count as a resolution? It’s as close as I will ever come to one.

I continue to be astounded at how many people visit this site, and I thank you for your interest and occasional comments. My apologies to those who were loyal to Apple Girl, but it’s time for her to retire. Her posts will be archived on my website,, which will soon replace this blog as the site landing page.

A very happy and healthy 2008 to you all.

Check out what my clients are saying…

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