Henry Moore at Kew Gardens

by | Sep 28, 2007 | Blog, Memoir | 0 comments

Moore at Kew.jpg
London’s weather this week has been wild and woolly, necessitating a desperate search through my lightweight t-shirts and capri pants for something appropriate to wear. On Wednesday, Maria and I set off in our jeans and trenchcoats to Kew Gardens, where an exhibition of no less than 28 monumental sculptures by Henry Moore are on display in the grounds of this beautiful World Heritage Site.

Moore at Kew is on until the end of March 2008, and for anyone in or near London it’s well worth a look – and probably more than one visit, to observe the quiet gravity of the sculptures in different seasons and conditions. The official photograph above was taken on a day quite different from the one we visited. Occasionally we ducked into a nearby glasshouse to avoid the rain, but then made new discoveries such as seeing for the first time actual vanilla bean plants, arabica (coffee) trees, and sources for other ingredients I smugly take for granted.

More photos to come when I ask Maria politely.

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