On a humid and slightly overcast Thursday night a group of four Australians enjoyed playing tourists during a twilight cocktail cruise around the tip of Manhattan. The last time I was on the water here was on my honeymoon, in 2003. John and I took the Staten Island Ferry together and John went crazy with his camera.
I had spotted the cruise, which offered two hours aboard and a free drink (woo-hoo!) for $20, in the previous week’s Time Out and didn’t want to go alone. I floated the suggestion (pardon the pun) to Kate and Phillip, who thankfully agreed to join me. They brought along Inez, a pal of Kate’s currently visiting New York en route to Europe. Fancy that: a photograph of me being taken with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background. (God do I need a haircut and colour.)
We were, on average, a good 15-20 years older than the rest of the cruisers, who seemed to be a mob of young colleagues from out of town. Or maybe they were just from across the water, in New Jersey. They were still getting frisky to the overbearing doof-doof music as we disembarked and headed to the Lower East Side for some delicious Japanese food.