
by | Jun 24, 2007 | Blog, Memoir | 0 comments

This is a big week for Apple Girl. I will reveal more by week’s end. In the meantime, I’m delighted to share this photograph of me with two of my pals from PlayGroup. They have been as elusive in my attempts to capture them as the Tasmanian Tiger.

The happy snap was taken on Friday night after a stellar performance by Debbie Workman (left) in a one-act play called “A Face Divided” by Edward Allen Baker. She was very convincing as a judgmental hospital nurse faced with handling the paperwork for a struggling young couple after the apparent fall down a flight of stairs of their baby daughter.

On the right is Susan Jerome, a singer and actress who has appeared in many Broadway musicals. She is finishing a one-woman show at the moment.

I feel really lucky to have met so many interesting people since coming to New York. It’s a place where creative pursuits are considered a crucial part of the social fabric that ties people together, and where there are multiple opportunities to pursue them.

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