
Communications and virtual assassinations

by | Feb 1, 2007 | Blog, Improve your writing | 0 comments

As referred to in a recent post, I have had my first success as a grant writer on behalf of my client Simi Linton. We are still yet to hear precisely how many dollars will come tumbling her way, but it’s sure to be a long way from sufficient to putting her memoir on the stage.

I realised I had not included a full description of the project which has attracted this first dribble of grant money, so here is the description of My Body Politic: An Illustrated History. We must wait until March/April to hear of any other successful applications, so fingers crossed. Between now and then I’ll be scaling back my hours with Simi and concentrating on finishing the draft of my book.

This week I’ve just endured three whole days of mass-emailing hell, creating, testing and sending out a press release announcing Simi’s website launch to an extensive list of contacts. In trying moments such as these have been, I entertain myself with echoes from Macbeth: “If it were done when ’t is done, then ’t were well / It were done quickly.” No actual assassinations, I’m pleased to report, although I did want to kill the Internet Service Provider for most of Tuesday and Wednesday.

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