Agents: Jessica Faust, Emily Forney, Ramona Pina
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Jessica Faust is seeking to bring more underrepresented and marginalized voices into publishing and her areas of expertise include mystery, suspense, upmarket, literary, and women’s fiction. In nonfiction, she’s seeking books and authors who will make her a better person and a better leader.
Emily Forney is seeking fiction for middle grade and young adult audiences, and select adult/crossover stories. She would like to see more fiction from BIPOC and stories that do not necessarily feature trauma at the forefront of these character’s arcs (although she is open to reading anything complex and well done). She would love the next best heist novel, mythological retellings, young assassins, and heart pounding fantasy romances. Send her the best summer lovers, middle grade fantasies, adventure stories, and fantastical worlds.
Ramona Pina is seeking YA underrepresented voices, Fantasy, magical realism, sci-fi, paranormal romance, horror and non-disney princess retellings, Dark fantasy themes like Sweeney Todd with dark humor or with lyrical voices like in Pan’s Labyrinth, Fast-paced adventure that focuses on sisterhood stories that address concepts of faith and spirituality (not religion specific), Anything having to do with the sea besides pirates, Kraken, merpeople that swear to protect it (or destroy it), and other creatures of the watery depths, Select non-fiction with a social justice tone that explores race, sex and class in America as well as modern James Baldwin (not gender specific), or works like The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.