Query Letter Video Review

It’s exciting to feel ready to send a literary agent your query letter, but it can often feel daunting too. Have I presented my work in the most compelling way? Are my comparison titles realistic? And what have I forgotten to include? Such questions are valid, as thousands of agent submissions are rejected every year on the basis of the query letter. It’s not altogether fair, but it’s how the industry works.
So it makes sense to get feedback on how to make your query stronger, before making your agent submission.
As a former agent who’s read countless queries, and as a book coach who has written successful queries for clients, my confidential video reviews your query as an agent would. I share my immediate reactions to your draft with constructive questions and suggestions, so that you can better understand the sorts of questions an agent has in mind while reviewing queries—and revise yours to address them. (I will also provide notes on one revised draft to help you on the path to publication.)

Description: High-level constructive feedback in response to your literary agent query letter, delivered in a confidential video.

Who is this for: Aspiring authors ready to query literary agents, who want to feel more confident in their query letter (and to address any areas for improvement), before they use it in agent submissions.

How it works:

  1. You send your draft query letter (ideally one page but max. 600 words) to hello at lloydliterary.com. (If you don’t have one, just write a one-page letter setting out why you were driven to write this book, what is its main story arc or theme; its genre, its word count; what books are comparable to it; and what if any publication history you have.)
  2. I read and review your query in real-time on a confidential video.
  3. I send you the link to the video, which you can use to revise or refine in response to my editorial suggestions.
  4. I will provide one round of feedback to your revised query letter.


  • You will have more confidence in the readiness of your query letter before sending out to literary agents
  • You will know if there is any information missing from your query letter that an agent would expect to see
  • You will be better informed about the sorts of questions and concerns that go through an agent’s mind as he or she reads your query letter—and how revisions can address them in advance
  • The query letter you ultimately send out will be stronger and thereby move you closer to your goal of landing a literary agent and getting a book deal.


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