
Book proposal edit



  1. The first step is to send me your book proposal, including one sample chapter.

  2. I provide a detailed and constructive editorial response to your book proposal (maximum 50 double-spaced pages, inclusive of the sample chapter), annotated on the document in the form of editorial suggestions, questions, comments, and any associated thoughts that occur to me while immersed in your material. This is the first edit.
  3.  We then have a Zoom meeting to discuss questions arising from my edit and to clarify any additional work I’ve recommended.
  4. You submit a revised draft proposal for me to review. This is the second edit and the end of our work together.
  5. You have access to me via email or Voxer for six months from the date of our Zoom call for questions relating to submissions.


At the end of our work together, 
  • you will have greater clarity about the strengths and any areas for further development of your book proposal
  • you will feel confident that your proposal includes all of the expected areas of a trade book proposal
  • you will save time by knowing what if any additional work to do on your proposal before submitting it to agents and publishers, and
  • you will have access to me as an ongoing resource for further questions about the submissions process.


You’ve worked hard putting together a book proposal, and you’re keen to send it out to literary agents and book publishers. Wouldn’t it be great to have an industry professional cast an experienced but constructive eye over your draft before you send it out, so you can feel confident that your book proposal is in the best possible shape? That’s what I offer in my Book Proposal Edit, designed for nonfiction subject experts. 

This package includes

  • Editorial review of drafted book proposal to a maximum of 50 double-spaced pages (inclusive of one sample chapter) x 2
  • 1 x 50 min Zoom to discuss my feedback, best conducted between the first and second edits
  • Ongoing email and/or Voxer support for six months from the date of our Zoom to answer follow-up questions relating to the submissions process
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