A silver lining in the time of coronavirus

by | Apr 12, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

As someone who’s worked from home for a long time now, my challenges with self-quarantine are about juggling homeschooling with earning a living, more than keeping my job in the first place. Every day, as I hear the sirens course through my neighbourhood, I’m conscious of how fortunate I am to have a steady stream of work without having to leave the house.

On that point, an essay I wrote (six years ago!) on my reliance on Skype for working remotely with my clients has just been resurrected as a highlight ‘from the archive’ of the esteemed Griffith Review. In this COVID-19-driven moment, it seems positively prophetic. Though Skype itself is going the way of Myspace, other platforms and apps including WhatsApp and FaceTime and Zoom are now ways of life for the remote or office-b0und worker.

If so inclined, you can read the essay here.


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