Advice on how to attract a publisher

by | Aug 10, 2016 | Blog, Improve your writing | 0 comments

If you’re working on a manuscript and have hit a creative block, or if your manuscript has been knocked back by a literary agent or publisher and are wondering why, I may be able to help you.

Because of my background in publishing, and as an author myself, I help writers get to the level they need in order to attract a publisher.

My clients get published. Some of them are listed here, while others have kindly contributed testimonials about working with me. Many clients I work with remain confidential because they come to me to develop their manuscript before they send it to the publisher who has contracted it.

Other clients are unpublished authors who have contacted me for honest and constructive feedback about their project. Too many serious writers are attending expensive workshops and courses without practical guidance about how they can improve their chances of attracting an agent or publisher.

Then there are those with professional expertise of some kind – but who may not be natural writers – who need a different sort of assistance in developing their book.

Publishing is a business, and unfortunately a great idea or beautiful prose is not, in and of itself, enough.

While I’m booked solid until the end of September, I am open to inquiries from authors at any time. Because my hours are erratic (due to a toddler in the house), email is the best way to reach me as a first step: info Or join my newsletter (sign up at right).

I love seeing my clients get published, and I look forward to hearing from you.



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