A tale of two covers: Becoming Westerly by Jamie Brisick

by | Jul 13, 2015 | Blog, Client book news and links | 0 comments

‘The sharp, riveting narrative of Becoming Westerly deserves to transcend the tiny canon of surf writing and be recognized as a work of mainstream literary nonfiction,’ writes Andrew Lewis in his thoughtful review of my client Jamie Brisick’s wonderful book, about former Australian professional surfer Peter Drouyn who is now Westerly Windina.

Part memoir, part indictment of surfing’s failure-to-launch culture, Brisick’s new book is a raw, intellectual triumph of American surf writing.

Published in Australia by Allen & Unwin earlier this year, the book has just been published in the US. A striking difference in cover treatments, don’t you think?

US cover

Australian cover


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