About Fiona Higgins’ new novel Wife on the Run

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Blog, Client book news and links | 2 comments

Fiona Higgins Wife on the Run

This is the cover for Wife on the Run, the new novel from my client Fiona Higgins, the bestselling author of The Mothers’ Group. I don’t know how she does it, but Fiona has the ability to craft sexy, intelligent page-turners about contemporary Australian life.

As Fiona explains on her website and in this video, as a mother, wife, sister, and daughter she is “fascinated by intimate relationships, families and what lies beneath the surface of the ordinary.”

“Wife on the Run takes off when two technology-related disasters hit the family of Paula McInnes within days of each other. One involves the public shaming of her teenage daughter, the other is a discovery about her husband that shocks her to her core. With her world unraveling, Paula does the only thing that makes any sense to her: she runs away, pulling her children out of school and setting off on a road trip across Australia with her elderly father and his caravan.

It all sounds so simple – and for a while, it is. But along the way, Paula will meet new, exciting complications, and realise that running away is only a temporary solution. The past has to be faced before the future can begin.”

What I particularly love about this novel is that Fiona writes about characters of all ages, and their interactions with each other, with profound empathy, insight and humour. At the same time she keeps the reader glued to the page, wondering what’s going to happen next – yet still manages to surprise us. Or this reader, anyway.

In stores and online in late October.

Check out what my clients are saying…

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