Video trailer for Fiona Higgins’s new novel Wife on the Run

by | Jul 23, 2014 | Blog, Client book news and links | 1 comment

Fiona Higgins Wife on the Run

If you read or heard about The Mothers’ Group, the debut novel by Fiona Higgins that was one of the biggest selling Australian novels of 2012, then I have some good news.

Wife on the Run, Fiona’s new novel, will be published in Australia in November.  Which, as most of us know too well, isn’t as far away as we like to think.

Fiona is not only my client but my good friend, so I am doubly thrilled to report that she’s done it again. In Wife on the Run she’s created a page-turning story full of characters who face recognisable contemporary dilemmas but who also challenge and defy stereotypes about people of all ages. She also manages to provide enough plot twists and turns to count reading the book as a yoga class.

In this video Fiona introduces Wife on the Run and thanks all the readers who helped make The Mothers’ Group so successful. To stay in touch with Fiona as she moves through the final stages of the book’s production towards publication and promotion, consider joining her Facebook page.

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