Client news: September

by | Sep 21, 2013 | Blog, Client book news and links | 5 comments

My calendar is telling me we’re now at the tail end of September 2013. Feels about May to me. Of 2010. When I was a kid I hated it when adults talked about how fast the time was passing, but my only barometer of time was school holidays, Christmas, and my birthday in January. Now, with more projects than I can cope with and bills to pay, time roars along like the souped-up motorbikes that cruise my Crown Heights neighbourhood in Brooklyn at all hours.

So it feels great to be able to offer you some evidence that one’s literary labours are not totally in vain.

  • I just sold a client’s manuscript to Black Inc Books for publication in June 2014 – which is lightning-fast production in the book world. More on that exciting project when the ink’s dry.
  • My client David Rankin is exhibiting at the Sydney Contemporary Art Fair this weekend, where you can snap up copies of this beautiful book, freshly published and edited by yours truly.
  • Kirsten Krauth’s excellent reviews for her debut novel just_a_girl have boosted her successful social media activities to the point where she was invited to talk about what she’s learned on this panel. A Q&A with Kirsten is coming soon, but if you’re in Melbourne you can see her read from the novel on Monday 23rd September at the Wheeler Centre.

I’m also encouraged by the increasing number of inquiries I’m getting from authors to discuss the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing.

If you’re reading this and have questions about any aspect of book publishing, please leave me a question or comment below. I’d love to know what’s brought you to this site and how I might be able to help.

And in amongst all of that my own revisions creep forward, far too slowly for my liking. I guess in that respect I’m still the kid waiting for Santa Claus, only in this case I’d be asking him for a finished manuscript. Please.

Check out what my clients are saying…

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