This Big Issue makes me smile

by | Aug 27, 2013 | Blog, Client book news and links | 6 comments

So great to see my client Jenny Ackland’s wonderful short story The Dead Man’s Cake included in The Big Issue’s 2013 Fiction Edition, this year themed ‘Make Me Smile.’

I hope I’m not too late with this post to encourage Australian short story aficionados to buy a copy of this wonderful fortnightly publication. Not only has the annual fiction issue become a highly visible event on the publishing calendar, but The Big Issue itself is such a remarkable and effective organisation.

The Big Issue is a not-for-profit social enterprise that finds solutions to help bring about change in the lives of some of Australia’s most disadvantaged people. The Big Issue magazine is an independent magazine sold on the streets by homeless, marginalised and disadvantaged people. Vendors buy copies of the magazine for $3 and sell them for $6, earning the difference. The magazine, which covers arts, entertainment, current affairs, lifestyle, news and opinion, is edited by Walkley Award-winning journalist and author Alan Attwood.

Jenny’s story is a gem among several shiny objects in this terrific issue. As she was too modest to mention publication on her own blog, I urge you to pay it a visit. Seraglio (not a pizza place) is another kind of gem — a witty and honest reckoning of one writer’s life, book by book and workshop by workshop — by a serious writer in the making. Congratulations, Jenny!

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