Popular links for July-August

by | Aug 30, 2012 | Blog, Grants for writers, Publishing | 0 comments

On Twitter I share links for Australian writers about literary agents, getting published, editing, and grants for writers (@v11oyd). At the end of each month I collect here my most-retweeted links. Confession: some of these links stretch back to July as I took a break at the end of that month and sorta kinda forgot to do this post.

Literary agents
What do I look for in an unsolicited manuscript?

Unsolicited manuscripts: What a publisher means by “not for us at this time” 

Writer’s Relief’s treasure trove of information about Literary Agents

Caveat emptor: Writers Without Literary Agents: 5 Things That Can Go Wrong


Grants and resources for writers
Regional Arts NSW has a great website which includes this 2012 calendar of grants.

Call for submissions from Australian writers: The Nature Conservancy’s Nature Writing Prize.


Reading and writing
Paris Review – The Art of Fiction No. 135, Don DeLillo. If you’re serious about writing fiction, this interview series is essential reading.

From the sublime to the ridiculous: “Not well written” but “can’t put it down”: Story explains the Fifty Shades of Gray phenomenon

A list of the 200 books that will be featured on the CAL-funded Reading Australia website

Check out what my clients are saying…

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