Applications to Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund due 24 February

by | Feb 14, 2012 | Blog, Grants for writers, Publishing | 0 comments

If you’re an Australian nonprofit supporting creative artists, your project may be eligible for a grant from CAL’s Cultural Fund. Read on to find out. If so, you’ve got less than ten days to get your application in.

What is Copyright Agency?
Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) provides simple ways for people to reproduce, store and share words, images and other creative content, in return for fair payment. In doing so, it connects the creators, owners and users of copyright material.

CAL allocates 1.5% of its revenue to cultural development, which is The Cultural Fund.

When considering applications to the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund, the Cultural Fund Committee gives priority to those that support innovation in the Australian creative industries to develop local and foreign markets for Australian works.

Here is a list of recently supported projects. Keep in mind that CAL will not fund admin costs, book launches, publishers’ costs in publishing or marketing books or back issues; the creation or maintenance of a website for a publishing house, author or artist; or the development of apps for iPhones.

Please read the Guidelines before applying.

What about grants for individuals?
The good news: CAL has up to $150,000 per year to grant to individual creators for professional development: this means things like attending writers’ festivals, conferences, international competitions, and specific technical training.

The bad news: Applications for the Creative Industries Career Fund aren’t due until April.

Here’s a feel-good video about what CAL does if you have five minutes. Yes, it really is five minutes long.

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