Looking for a critique? Look no further!

by | Jan 21, 2012 | Blog, Memoir | 2 comments

View from the summit of Mt Manuscript

If you’re looking for constructive feedback on your work in progress to take it to the next level, I’ve got some time available in February. I regularly read and write editorial reports on writers’ draft manuscripts for clients as distant from each other as Abu Dhabi, New York and Sydney. As a published memoirist and essayist, my expertise is memoir, but I was a fiction and nonfiction editor when I worked in-house as Picador Editor at Pan Macmillan Australia in a previous life.

Email me at info at lloydliterary.com. Then we’ll talk or email or Skype to establish where you’re up to with your project, I’ll fill you in on the rest of the details, and we’ll go from there.

I’d love to hear from you even if you’re not ready for a manuscript critique. Many people have questions about editing and revisions, which I’m happy to answer if you ask me in the comments below.

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