Byron Bay, here I come

by | Jul 19, 2010 | Blog, Improve your writing | 0 comments

Trust covers: Australian (L) and US

A clairvoyant once told me I should be careful what I wish for. This year I wanted to start facilitating panel discussions on the writers’ festival circuit, and look what’s happened – four panels at Sydney Writers Festival in May, and five in three days at the Byron Bay Festival in early August.

For anyone not attending a Bret Easton Ellis or William McInnes event, I’ll be chatting with authors as different as Brenda Walker, Rodney Hall, Hannie Rayson, David Carlin, Kate Veitch*, and Yvonne Louis at the following sessions on Friday 6th, Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th August:

My space: spilling the beans on self – Friday 9am (!)
Voices in my head: writing dialogue that works – Friday 1.30pm
Return journey: stories of triumph over adversity – Saturday 9am (!!)
Secrets and yearnings: the writing of memory and memoir – Saturday 12.15pm
It came from outer space: where writers find their muse – Sunday 4pm (last session time of the Festival; for diehards only)

Please say hello. And to prove that festival-goers can’t get enough of memoirs, I’m even teaching a workshop on approaches to editing memoir (Thursday 5th August 1.30-4.30pm) – because I believe that helping authors develop an editorial perspective on their own work is an important and overlooked skill set.

*I’m particularly thrilled to have my good friend Kate Veitch on a panel with me as I’m very enthusiastic about her latest novel Trust, which has just gone on sale in the US this past week. If you check for the book you’ll even find a potted review by yours truly.

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