Writers who didn’t give up their day jobs

by | Mar 17, 2010 | Blog, Improve your writing | 0 comments

Here’s a timely reminder for those of us scribbling away for no money, little money, or in between earning money by doing jobs we like slightly less than writing.

Lapham’s Quarterly has published this subscription-teaser on their website today, revealing a handful of diverse paid occupations of well-known writers over the past three centuries. While it’s hardly a representative sample, I was relieved to find that none of them held down jobs as a writing instructor, content developer, freelance journalist or book reviewer. The perks and hazards attributed to each role remind me that observing human behaviour is an enduring perk (and sometimes trial) of most work environments. My favourite item from the chart is learning of Faulkner’s penchant for Mah-Jongg, which I last played as a kid with my happy-clappy neighbour with what I’m certain was no heed to the rules of the game. Possibly a useful lesson after all, given the eclectic roads to publication mapped below.

Laphams Qtly: Writers' Day Jobs

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