A corner of the blogosphere that is forever Australian

by | Jun 14, 2009 | Blog, Improve your writing | 0 comments

Most surprised to report that I’ve just sneaked into the Top 50 Australian Writing Blogs, according to Johnathan Crossfield’s blog CopyWrite. This list tracks the most popular blogs written by Australian writers about writing, and is a movable feast depending on the preferences of readers, the content of the blog, and the rankings of blog trackers (Technorati, Google PageRank and something called Alexa, which I must confess I had never heard of before). So I can freely recommend Johnathan’s blog without a whiff of conflict of interest.

Of the other Australian writing blogs on the list, I am a regular reader of three: Angela Meyer’s LiteraryMinded (#2), Max Barry (#5 and Sydney PEN’s next ‘Voice’ in our Voices: 3 Writers Series in July), and the elegant City of Tongues by novelist James Bradley (#22 with a bullet). Inevitably the rankings will have shifted by the time I finish this post, including my own.

Back in New York and working on my next project, I have found renewed enthusiasm for my blog – and just in time, as there’s plenty of scope for its improvement. Fortunately I have been hanging out with a few people steeped in social media, so I’m learning a few things I will put into practice over posts to come. Even though I’ve been blogging regularly since early 2006 I have kept things very basic, technologically speaking. Time for this old blogger to learn some new, and not so new, tricks.

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