Pink Ribbon breakfast raises nearly $12,000 for breast cancer research

by | Oct 21, 2008 | Blog | 1 comment

Yesterday morning I was guest speaker at Freehills’ Women in Business Pink Ribbon fundraising breakfast, an annual event to assist the major fundraising initiative of their pro bono client, the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation. After flying in from New York less than 48 hours earlier, I had to set several alarm clocks to make sure I arrived on time. (On the right day.) I was honoured by the presence of many familiar faces among the 100-plus audience, which helped ease my nerves.

I’m thrilled to report the event raised $5949.00 from the attendees, which Freehills has matched to make a total of $11,898.00. This result is particularly pleasing because the matching gifts program was a founding element in the firm’s Community Program, which I developed and implemented during my tenure there. These days the community and pro bono programs have sensibly been brought together under the single umbrella of the Freehills Foundation.

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