“The Widowed Writer” gets her first review

by | Feb 9, 2008 | Blog, Young Widow's Book of Home Improvement | 2 comments

AB&P Feb 2008
Hot on the heels of my finished book came my copy of the February edition of Australian Bookseller & Publisher magazine, the trade magazine for the book industry. That’s a version of my book jacket as the cover design for this issue. (You’re right, my publisher UQP has not put a foot wrong.) After writing this blog for nearly two years it’s very strange to see myself now being described by third parties – I wonder who exactly they’re talking about – but turning to the review section I was very pleasantly surprised at the four-star review of my book:

“a beautiful memoir … absolutely lovely and very moving. Reading Lloyd’s reconstructions of [her and John’s] conversations, and her later thoughts on life without her soul mate could be maudlin and soppy, but they actually shine with love and leave you feeling happy that there could be such love in the world.”

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