It’s been a Big Week in the Big Apple for Apple Girl. In the past seven days I have:

1. sold another book to Pan Macmillan Australia on behalf of my Bridge Literary Services client Sally Cooper, for her hilarious memoir of two years in Afghanistan – yes, a book about Afghanistan that will make you laugh instead of cry;

2. learned that The Company of the Dead, the first novel by my first client, David Kowalski, has already doubled its originally scheduled print run ahead of its August publication because of the level of interest from booksellers and the enthusiasm of his publisher Pan Macmillan.

3. confirmed that an extract from my own work-in-progress, The Young Widow’s Book of Home Improvement, will be published in the Spring 2007 edition of The Griffith Review. This is the story “Sex and the Single Bed” I wrote about in an earlier post.

As you can imagine this is all very exciting, and slightly odd given that it’s all Australian-based literary activity that has originated from New York. Writing it down makes it all seem a bit more real, as mostly these things are a result of many phone calls and emails, and I sometimes wonder what I’m spending my time doing. Apart from writing my book, that is.

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