Summer is a-comin’

by | May 17, 2007 | Blog, Memoir | 0 comments

Within a couple of weeks we’ve gone from persistently chilly to downright toasty – yesterday I actually heard people complaining about how hot it was. Human beings are marvellous creatures, aren’t we? Given the lack of visuals on Apple Girl recently I thought I’d add these photos – one of a cherry blossom tree in full bloom on the corner of the next block from mine, en route to Grand Army Plaza subway station (after six months in my neighbourhood I finally realised the station I’d been schlepping to was further away and in the wrong direction, away from Manhattan). The other is a magnificent twilight shot of the Brooklyn Bridge, which stole my heart long before I wrote about it as part of my PhD thesis in the mid-1990s. One treat of catching the express B or Q train into the city is that it travels over the Manhattan Bridge, affording an Australian commuter still wide-eyed at being in New York at all a relatively uninterrupted view of the Brooklyn Bridge to her immediate south.

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