Signs of Spring

by | Mar 10, 2007 | Blog, Memoir | 0 comments

At last, a glimmer of hope that the “best of the worst” of winter is over. I have just arrived back in my apartment, still dewy from my walk in Prospect Park, with the following pieces of evidence that Spring is about to, well, turn into a verb.

  1. The ice in the duck pond had retreated in places to the thickness of an exhaled misty breath, just visible upon the water 
  2. The horses were back in action on their dedicated trail, ridden by young white smiling ladies
  3. The children’s playground was full of children
  4. Green grass was visible as far as my eyes could see, emerging from beneath the half-inch white coat it had been wearing only two days ago
  5. Gloves, for the first time in months, were optional.

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