As you know, I’ve been suffering from cabin-fever during these last gasps of winter (still below freezing daily, except for one glorious sunny day on Wednesday this week when it was a warm 5 degrees Celcius and everyone skipped about like it was Spring). My head is totally inside The Young Widow’s Book … and it’s difficult to dwell there for extended periods of time, which of course is imperative if I want it to be any good.

I decided I needed to get out and see some live music, go back to the theatre and so forth, and needed to find some company. I’m only here until late August, so I want to finish my book and have some fun in the city. But in this metropolis of eight million people, I have found it very difficult to meet anyone. So I joined for a trial period to see if I could meet a few music-lovers and museum-goers.

I have been a member for just over 48 hours. In that time I have received several “winks” (automated expressions of interest attaching the admirer’s profile), I have winked at a few guys myself, and have even received a few emails (through the anonymous email system – so no name or identification is exchanged unless either party chooses to pursue it).

Of course, like in any group of people, there are going to be a few freaks. Here is part of my favourite freak response thus far – from a sender based somewhere in the UK:

i dont really know how to start off but…you have a beautiful profile that attracted my heart. your beauty and smile captured my imagination and my heart started falling for you ,thats because Your smile has a beauty that I find in no other profile.. Your eyes hold a sexiness and a passion others can only long for. As long as my heart beats, I shall seek out your soul and be fulfilled!!!! in your beauty. definately i know that u will be a very special person in my life…just seeing ur lovely profile for the first time today…perhaps start been friends today might be the best thing of our lifes !!!!just know and understand my heart longs for you and Giving away a heart can hurt … . But, receiving one is the greatest gift.i cant wait to talk you…”

Oh dear. I just want someone I can hang out at jazz clubs with.

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